The human disjoin nature on the concept of Dhâtu

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Phra Jaturong Ajarasuphoo


The reality confirmations of the Dhâtu and evidence of Suttra for Support; the Dhâtu divides the human born begin. The good human stay with good human and bad human stay with bad human. Although has the important gap in the interpretation the person can cognitive for self adaptation from the bad to good and the good  to bad even a little. So the disjoin is the prime of human nature.

Keywords: Dhâtu, Nature, Human, Disjoin.

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How to Cite
Ajarasuphoo, P. J. . (2020). The human disjoin nature on the concept of Dhâtu. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 3(1), 26–35. retrieved from
Academic Article


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