Instilling In Youth the Basic Ethical Principles Pray 4

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ศุภสิทธิ์ ลินทมาตย์


Youth is the future of the nation if today's youth are no ethical basis for such a right. That means that we have cut down a lot of good people. Ethical problems recession Social turmoil because it is a lack of talent but a great man. Implementing the principles of conduct is to instill in young people, it is essential that all sectors should be given priority. Bringing morality is bringing to life the great natural beauty of the implant. Which consists of 3 main factors: (1) the external behavior that are associated with environmental and social as well as natural materials, including Canon (2) psychological stability. Such a mind that stability is the key to development, such as concentration, and (3) the knowledge and understanding, in fact, a reason, as well as access to the reality of nature, including the intelligence factor three things will affect each other. Complement each other in relation of factors in lifestyle is the life or well-being. All the baptized are called, both moral, mental, moral, or physical, mental, spiritual and mental health quality of the concentrate to the core and the intellectual level. Idea why the fact knowingly included in the ethics of the main principles is threefold including intellectual precepts, meditation and prayer, the sacraments, prayer, praying 4, including the spiritual, intellectual, and prayed the Rosary. Ethics must be based on truth is the truth of things. The truth of the causes or the rules of nature. When the truth was able to treat them properly youth non-issue or problem with their quality. I prayed and prayed for wisdom Ethics must be based on truth is the truth of things. The truth of the causes or the rules of nature. When the truth was able to treat them properly youth non-issue or problem with their quality. I prayed and prayed for wisdom Ethics must be based on truth is the truth of things. The truth of the causes or the rules of nature. When the truth was able to treat them properly youth non-issue or problem with their quality.

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How to Cite
Lintamart, S. (2020). Instilling In Youth the Basic Ethical Principles Pray 4. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 3(1), 1–12. retrieved from
Academic Article


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