Dhammadhipateyya : The rules of goodness

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พงศ์ทราทิตย์ ก้องเสียง


An apply the principles of goodness and badness to judge the conduct of people in society are the standardized and accepted in general society.

In the author’s side, Dhammadhipateyya is Suitable for being the highest standard of goodness. Since  Dhammadhipateyya is considered the importance of dhamma and mention of the correctness follow them which the method of determining whether That action is advantage or harmful on life including mind and personality for individual or society to follow the conscience and social standards. Although in the present time is a democratic society which recognize the human right, freedom and equality in society therefore giving importance to people who are mostly voice. While we should be accept the agreement of  majority of people cannot guarantee  those opinion is always correct because it is only measured in terms of the needs of the majority voice and  can not be the measure of good and evil. So, the opinions of most people are not the criteria for judging the good and evil that is the most accurate. The measure of good and evil rely on a Dhamma for regulation. Hence, Dhammadhipateyya is the standard of goodness which will be create harmony and reconciliation in society and nation that is how we must use the process for considering the advantage and blaming the others people and society including to consider by conscience and social standard base on the Dhammadhipateyya importantly.

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How to Cite
ก้องเสียง พ. (2021). Dhammadhipateyya : The rules of goodness. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 5(2), 1–10. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/saketreview/article/view/247496
Academic Article


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