Framework of Joint Border Management of Border Control Agencies Based on the International Standards for Developing Border Trade and Cross-Border Trade between Thai and Laos in the Northeast



  • อาริยา ป้องศิริ สาขารัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ คณะรัฐศาสตร์และนิติศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยกาฬสินธุ์


Coordinated Border Management (CBM) is a collaborative approach between border agencies of both local and international. To maximize benefits of moving goods and travel together, therefore, border management focuses on adjusting the duties of the border control agencies by adhering to two main issues: physical movement of the product and data linking for maximum benefit in border control for CIQ systems. In Thailand Legal officers come from different departments with an emphasis on the role of customs and primarily immigration. The inspection and breeding of plants and animals is a common mission with both of those main missions which border management will have a combination of various problems together. Sometimes unable to use the solution to the problem by using only the agency or one organization, therefore, to be able to solve such problems effectively and efficiently it is necessary to adjust the operations of various agencies related to a particular problem working together flexibly and enhancing the concept of aiming to create greater success in joint operations between departments in the context of multi-organization collaboration networks.


