Has the GMS Educational Policy on English Reading at the Tertiary Level Been Effectively Interpreted and Implemented?
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This study explored the question of whether the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) educational policy on English reading had been effectively interpreted and implemented for suggestions leading to policy changes to develop university students’ English reading proficiency. The process involved matching the policy with findings from both the students and teachers in four areas: reading strategies, favored perspectives on reading instructions, learning needs, and problems. Quantitative findings from 757 students’ reading strategy questionnaires were supported by qualitative findings from in-depth, semi-structured interviews with 72 randomly selected samples (36 teachers and 36 students; six from each GMS country), questionnaires of needs and problems, perspectives on reading instructions, including three English reading learning and teaching scenarios and a documentary study. The quantitative findings from the survey show that although most of the GMS students and teachers thought that they had used both cognitive and metacognitive strategies, the qualitative results reveal that teachers and students employed cognitive rather than metacognitive strategies on average. Among the other findings, the constructivist and direct instructions were their most favored perspectives on reading instructions. While the teachers’ main problem was inadequate initiatives, the students’ primary needs were lack of autonomous learning and unbalanced cognitive and metacognitive strategies for reading. Moreover, only the Chinese and Vietnamese policies were somewhat effectively interpreted and implemented, while the rest were not. This suggests that policy changes or modifications to serve the teachers’ and students’ needs should be made.
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