A Comparative Study of Educational Policies in South Korea and Thailand During 1945-1980
Educational policy; Educational development; Economic developmentAbstract
This article examines the educational policies of South Korea and Thailand during the period that both countries desired to adjust to rapid change and catch up to modernization. Thailand began to promote educational developments in the 1870s, earlier than South Korea, whose educational system was restrained during Japanese colonialism, and where education reformation began in 1950. Yet, South Korea overtook Thailand in both educational achievements and developments. The aim of this article is to compare the educational policies between Korea and Thailand from 1945-1980. The research shows that the Korean educational policies that are related to economic development during 1960-1980 were better and more efficient policies than that of Thailand and the establishment of the Economic Planning Board (EPB) in 1961, and brought about a compatible policy of education and economic development. On the other hand, the Thai government paid less effort in achieving its goal. This can be seen from having no mechanisms for coordinating the supply of skilled workforces to meet the demands of industry and the educational indifference of Thai governments. As a result, the goal of education for economic growth has not been achieved in practice.
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