Development of Mathematical Concepts about Statistics Using the Concept Formation Model together with Concept-Rich Instruction and Higher-Order Questions for Undergraduate Students Majoring in Mathematics
Concept formation model, Concept-rich instruction, Higher-order questions, Mathematical concepts, Mathematical misconceptions, StatisticsAbstract
The purposes of this research are as follows: (1) to compare and study mathematical concepts about statistics among undergraduate students majoring in mathematics before and after learning by using the concept formation model together with concept-rich instruction and higher-order questions; (2) to study mathematical misconceptions about statistics on undergraduate students majoring in mathematics; and (3) to study the opinions of undergraduate students majoring in mathematics about the use of the concept formation model together with concept-rich instruction and higher-order questions. The research samples were 35 undergraduate students in their second year of college and majoring in mathematics in the Faculty of Education of Burapha University. The research instruments were composed of six lesson plans using the concept formation model with concept-rich instruction and higher-order questions, a test of mathematical concepts about statistics, and the pre-learning and post-learning versions with a reliability of 0.78 and 0.855 respectively, and the record form of mathematical misconceptions about statistics and the questionnaire about opinions towards the use of concept formation model together with concept-rich instruction and higher-order questions. The overall research findings revealed the following: (1) the mathematical concepts about statistics of undergraduate students majoring in mathematics after learning by using the concept formation model together with concept-rich instruction and higher-order questions higher than before learning with a statistical significance level of .05; (2) the mathematical misconceptions about statistics of mathematics major undergraduates were three aspects as follows: problem interpretation, the use of theories, formulas, laws, definitions, properties and computations and (3) the opinions of undergraduate students majoring in mathematics about the use of the concept formation model together with concept-rich instruction and higher-order questions was in highest level (M=4.57, SD=0.51).
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