The Integration of Field Trip with Multimedia Technology for Learning Achievement in Social Studies of Grade Four Bhutanese Students
The aim of the quasi-experimental method of quantitative and qualitative study are as follows: (1) to compare the learning achievement of Grade Four Bhutanese students in Social Studies before and after a field trip with multimedia technology; and (2) to investigate the extent of learning satisfaction among Grade Four Bhutanese students in Social Studies after using a field trip with multimedia technology. The study was conducted in one of the primary schools in southern Bhutan over a period of a month in the 2023 academic year. The research participants consisted of 30 Bhutanese students and the researcher used them as research participants since the research school has only one section of Grade Four. The instruments used for the study were lesson plans, learning achievement tests (pretest and posttest) and a semi-structured interview. The quantitative data were analyzed using a paired sample t-test and the qualitative data through thematic analysis with p<0.05 level of significance. The results of the pretest and posttest score analysis through paired t-test showed a significant improvement in the posttest (x̅ =16.27) than the pretest (x̅ =10.47). The mean difference of 5.80 and the two-tailed significance (p) value was .01, which indicated that the integration of field trip with multimedia technology improved learning achievement of the students and was effective in teaching Social Studies. Similarly, the data was collected through semi-structured interviews and concluded that participants expressed a high level of learning satisfaction and also motivated them to learn better and develop positive relationships. Thus, this study recommends integrating field trip with multimedia technology as an alternate tool to teach Social Studies and make the lessons entertaining, engaging and efficient.
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