Critical Participatory Action Research for Development of Private School Teachers' Work Approaches in Bangkok
This critical participatory action research was conducted to develop the work approaches among teachers in a private school in Bangkok. The study was framed around the participatory discipline, as follows (1) explore work problems; (2) study the guidelines of work approaches; and (3) develop the work abilities of teachers. A principal, eight private school teachers, and six researchers were engaged as participants, and divided into two groups: insiders and outsiders. Content analysis was used for data collection with a qualitative approach, such as participatory focus groups, in-depth interviews, document analysis, and action learning were applied. The findings showed that private school stakeholders address the importance of work problems and work management by systematically focusing on the abilities and problem-solving skills and were divided into three dimensions of work problems among private school teachers, e.g., workload problems, work context problems, and work management problems. It also presents that the action learning process can promote abilities and problem-solving skills, collaborative teamwork, and other needed individual skills to achieve the goals of the school. Moreover, the development aims to enhance the abilities of teachers, problem-solving skills, and management from action learning, impacting three stakeholder levels: individual, team, and organization.
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