Validation of a Measurement Model for Psychosocial Developmental Characteristics among Adolescent Students and the Study of Invariance across Age Groups
This study aimed to validate the components of psychosocial development and examined the invariance of psychosocial developmental models among adolescent students of different ages. A sample group of 1,051 upper secondary school students were selected through a two-stage sampling method, and the data was collected using an identity model scale developed from the measures on the psychosocial development scale. Confirmatory factor analysis with the LISREL program was used to analyze the data. The results showed that the components of psychosocial development in upper secondary school students remained consistent across age groups, with a two-dimensional measurement model consisting of positive and negative psychosocial development, each with eight sub-issues. The measurement model was found to be consistent with empirical data, although the parameters differed between age groups. These findings suggest the need for a program to promote positive psychosocial development suitable for teenagers of both age groups. Overall, this study provides important insights into the psychosocial development of adolescent students and highlights the importance of considering age-related differences of developmental models.
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