The The Development of a Program to Enhance the Reflective Competency of Nurse Educators to Promote the Cognitive Skills of Nursing Students
cognitive skills; nurse educator; nursing student; program development; reflective competencyAbstract
This research and development study aims to: (1) develop a program for enhancing the reflective competency of nurse educators in order to promote the cognitive skills of nursing students; and (2) to evaluate the effectiveness of the program for enhancing the reflective competency of nurse educators. The sample included 48 nurse educators of Boromarajonani College of Nursing in Chonburi and 260 nursing students were purposively selected. The instruments used for collecting data consisted of the following: (1) a reflective competency questionnaire for nurse educators; and (2) a questionnaire assessing cognitive skills of nursing students. The data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and a paired simple t-test. The results found that the developed program for enhancing the reflective competency nurse educators in order to promote the cognitive skills of nursing students composed of three learning units, including the following: (1) basic knowledge about reflection; (2) application of reflection on teaching and learning management; and (3) the lessons learned after the implementation of reflection. The evaluation of the effectiveness of the program found that the mean scores of knowledge about reflection, attitudes to reflection, and the reflective skills of nurse educators after implementation of the program for enhancing the reflective competency of nurse educators were statistically higher than those before implementation, and the mean scores on systematic thinking, critical thinking, and clinical judgement among nursing students after the application of reflection on teaching and learning management by trained nurse educators were statistically higher than before implementation. In conclusion, the developed program for enhancing the reflective competency of nurse educators was effective to promote the cognitive skills of nursing students, leading to qualified nursing practice.
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