The Development of Chemistry Instructional Handbook by Blended Learning to Enhance Achievement on Chemistry and Science Process Skill for Vocational Certificate (skill bridging program) of Polytechnic Institute of Banteay Meanchey Province, Kingdom of Cambodia
The research objectives are as follows: (1) to develop an instructional chemistry handbook by blended learning for skill bridging program of the Polytechnic Institute of Banteay Meanchey Province in the Kingdom of Cambodia; (2) to study science process skills among students who learned with chemistry instructional handbook on blended learning; (3) to compare achievement on chemistry learning before and after learning with an instructional chemistry handbook on blended learning; (4) to study the satisfaction of teachers who used an instructional chemistry handbook of blended learning. The 40 samples were vocational certificate students and two teachers from a Polytechnic Institute of Banteay Meanchey Province, using sample and random sampling. The implement lasted for seven weeks. The data were statistically analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and a dependent t-test. The instruments used for gathering the data were as follows: (1) the chemistry instructional handbook by blended learning; (2) science process skill test; (3) pretest and posttest; and (4) teacher satisfaction. The research findings were as follows: (1) the result of the instructional chemistry handbook on blended learning and had 10 components; (2) the results of studying science process skill of the students who learned with instructional chemistry handbook by blended learning. In Unit One, science process skills were moderate (=3.30, S.D.=0.55), in Unit Two of an science process skill were high (=3.51, S.D.=0.50); in terms of Unit Three, science process skill were high (=3.75, S.D.=0.54), in Unit Four, the science process skill were high (=4.10, S.D.=0.50), which accepted the research hypothesis; (3) the result of comparison of achievement on chemistry learning before and after learning with instructional chemistry handbook on blended learning are difference levels of statistical significance of .05; (4) the result of studying teacher satisfaction with an instructional chemistry handbook on blended learning was at a level of “high”.
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