Development of Training Curriculum to Enhance the Ability of Science Technology and Society Learning Management for Primary School Teachers
training curriculum; learning management based on science, technology, and society approachAbstract
This study aims to: 1) develop a training curriculum to enhance the learning management ability based on science, technology, and society approach (STS) for primary school teachers; and 2) evaluate the effectiveness of the developed training curriculum in four aspects: 2.1) the knowledge and understanding of learning management based on science, technology, and society approach; 2.2) the ability of learning management based on science, technology, and society approach; 2.3) the result of STS lesson plan assessment of teachers 2.4)the students' learning skills based on science, technology, and society approach. The research methodology consists of four phases. Phase 1 is the study of fundamental data (R1). Phase 2 is drafting and validation of the developed training curriculum (D1). Phase 3 is the evaluation of training curriculum effectiveness (R2), which was divided into four steps: Step 1) a pilot study in which the developed curriculum was applied to non-sample group teachers; Step 2) a curriculum trial in which the developed curriculum was trialed with a sample group of Grade 4-6 teachers teaching in three strands, i.e., science and technology, occupations, and social studies, religion, and culture; Step 3) teachers organizing learning for students where teachers organized parallel-integrated learning classes for Grade 4-6 students in the Wat Phraprathon Chedi, Phraprathon Subdistrict, Mueang Nakhon Pathom District, Nakhon Pathom Province; Step 4) seminar on connoisseurship to approve training curriculum by seven experts which to the training curriculum has effective according to the criteria and disseminate the training curriculum with group of Grade 3, 5-6 teachers teaching in three strands, i.e., science and technology, occupations, and social studies, religion, and culture in the Donyaihom School, Donyaihom Subdistrict, Mueang Nakhon Pathom District, Nakhon Pathom Province, and group of Grade 6 teachers teaching in three strands, i.e., science and technology, occupations, and social studies, religion, and culture in the Wat Sisa Thong School, Sisa Thong Subdistrict, Nakhon Chaisi District, Nakhon Pathom Province. Phase 4 is curriculum revision. The researcher revised the curriculum based on the feedback of Grade 4-6 teachers. The research instruments consisted of 1) an interview form for interviewing the school administrator and teachers, in which the obtained data were analyzed with content analysis; 2) a test of knowledge and understanding about learning management based on STS approach, in which the Sign Test were used to analyze the data; 3) an assessment form of learning management ability based on STS approach, in which data were analyzed with mean, and standard deviation; 4) an assessment form of lesson plans based on STS approach, in which data were analyzed with mean, and standard deviation; and 5) an assessment form of students' learning skills based on STS approach, in which data were analyzed with mean, and percentage. The statistics used for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, and the Sign Test.
The results showed that 1) the training curriculum to enhance the learning management ability based on STS approach for primary school teachers comprises 1.1) problems and importance of the curriculum 1.2) curriculum principles 1.3) objectives 1.4) learning areas 1.5) training activities, consisting of 6 steps: 1.5.1) questioning, 1.5.2) planning, 1.5.3) finding answers, 1.5.4) giving reflection, 1.5.5) sharing experiences, 1.5.6) implementing; 1.6) training period 1.7) training materials and 1.8) evaluation of the curriculum. 2) The evaluation of curriculum effectiveness revealed that the developed training curriculum was effective according to the set criteria. Specifically; 2.1) the teachers’ knowledge and understanding of learning management based on STS approach after training were higher than before training; 2.2) the teachers’ learning management ability based on STS approach after training was at the highest level; 2.3) The result of STS lesson plan assessment of teachers after training was at the highest level; and 2.4) the students’ learning skills based on STS approach after training were at high level and results of seminar on connoisseurship by seven experts showed that training curriculum has quality and appropriate for using with Grade 4-6 students. 3) The results of dissemination the training curriculum consist of two schools 3.1) the results of dissemination the training curriculum with group of Grade 3, 5 and 6 teachers teaching in three strands, i.e., science and technology, occupations, and social studies, religion, and culture in the Watdonyaihom School, Donyaihom Subdistrict, Mueang Nakhon Pathom District, Nakhon Pathom Province, the results were that 3.1.1) the teachers’ knowledge and understanding of learning management based on STS approach after training were higher than before training; 3.1.2) the teachers’ learning management ability based on STS approach after training was at the highest level; 3.1.3) the result of STS lesson plan assessment of teachers after training was at the highest level; and 3.1.4) the students' learning skills based on STS approach after training were at high level. 3.2) the results of dissemination the training curriculum with group of Grade 6 teachers teaching in three strands, i.e., science and technology, occupations, and social studies, religion, and culture in the Wat Sisa Thong School, Sisa Thong Subdistrict, Nakhon Chaisi District, Nakhon Pathom Province, the results were that 3.2.1) the teachers’ knowledge and understanding of learning management based on STS approach after training were higher than before training; 3.2.2) the teachers’ learning management ability based on STS approach after training was at high level; 3.2.3) the result of STS lesson plan assessment of teachers after training was at high level; and 3.2.4) the students’ learning skills based on STS approach after training were at high level.
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