Development of Online Learning to Enhance Critical Thinking on Violence Prevention among Adolescents
Online lessons, Critical thinking, Violence, AdolescentsAbstract
The aims of this research are as follows: (1) to develop an online learning lesson to enhance critical thinking skills about violence, (2) to study the results of using developed online lessons; and (3) to propose guidelines for disseminating developed online lessons to strengthen their critical thinking skills against adolescent violence. The research instruments consisted of an interview form, a critical thinking assessment test, a satisfaction questionnaire, and connoisseurship seminar issues. The data were analyzed in terms of percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and content analysis. With regard to the research outcomes, the online lesson was developed from situations, texts, conversations, questions, images, poems, storybooks, and charts. The developed lesson was both consistent and appropriate for strengthening critical thinking skills regarding adolescent violence. After the lesson trial, the critical thinking skills of sampled adolescents against violence was higher than before at a statistically significant level of .05. The sample was satisfied with the online lesson at a high level overall. Regarding the dissemination, it was suggested that the development of online lessons for all age groups should be publicized in educational institutions, government or private agencies, as well as a wide range of media.
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