Development of an Integrated Coaching System for Health Promotion in Early Childhood at Child Development Centers
Integrated coaching system, Health promotion, Early childhood, Child development centersAbstract
The purposes of this research and development are as follows: (1) to develop and seek an efficient integrated coaching system for health promotion in early childhood at child development centers; and (2) to evaluate the effectiveness of an integrated coaching system for health promotion in early childhood at child development centers by using embedded and mixed methods research with a sample of 40 children in early childhood at childcare centers. The research instruments were a form of integrated coaching system and an early childhood health promotion assessment. The data was analyzed using mean, standard deviation, a dependent t-test, a growth score, a repeated measures ANOVA and content analysis. The results indicated the following: (1) the integrated coaching system consisted of three elements: (1.1) upstream; (1.2) midstream, which indicated the 5P’s Model, in which the first P was Purpose, the second P was Participation, the third P was Procedure Design, the fourth P was Practice, and the fifth P was Performance Reflection; and (1.3) downstream, which was developed and obtained an E1/E2 efficiency value of 82.50/87.50; and (2) the level of effectiveness after using the integrated coaching system revealed the following: (2.1) the average score for early childhood health was higher (p<.05), and (2.2) early childhood health development had a higher growth score (p<.05). This research was utilized for health promotion in early childhood at child development centers. As a result, those in early childhood had better health and an improved quality of life.
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