The Development of Innovative Leadership Indicators of School Administrators in Education Sandboxes
development of indicators, Innovative Leadership, School administrators, Education sandboxes.Abstract
The objectives of this research are as follows: (1) to study the factors and indicators of the innovative leadership of school administrators in education sandboxes; (2) to examine the congruence of the measurement model of the innovative leadership of school administrators in education sandboxes and to develop a manual for using the indicators of innovative leadership of school administrators in education sandboxes. This study was mixed methods research and divided into three phases. The first phase was the building and development of innovative leadership indicators of school directors in education sandboxes. The second phase was the research hypothesis assessment. The data was collected from a sample group of 830 school directors and teachers in education sandboxes were analyzed with statistical software and LISRELv.8.72 software. The third phase was the development of a manual for using the indicators of the innovative leadership of the school administrators in education sandboxes, which received a quality assessment from nine experts, who were asked to assess the quality according to the standards of Stufflebeam (1981) in four aspects: utility, possibility, appropriateness, and complete accuracy. The results were analyzed by identifying standard statistics, such as mean and standard deviation (SD). The research results revealed the following: (1) the innovative leadership indicators of school administrators in the education sandboxes was comprised of seven main factors, 23 sub-factors and 81 indicators, which can be classified as 12 indicators on atmosphere building for innovation creation, 16 indicators on the selection of innovative creators, 23 indicators of innovation team building, 14 indicators on innovation team management, six indicators of innovative skill development, six indicators of the formation of supporting networks and four indicators on rewards and benefits; (2) the developed measurement model on innovative leadership of school administrators in education sandboxes showed a congruence with the empirical data, with a chi-square = 109.45, with no statistical significance, df = 100, GFI = 0.99, AGFI = 0.97; and (3) the appropriateness of the development of the manual for using the indicators of the innovative leadership of school administrators in education sandboxes was at the highest level and could be used to build an evaluation criteria for the innovative leadership of school administrators.
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