Validating a Design-Thinking Mindset Questionnaire with Thai Secondary School Students
Design thinking, Factor analysis, Measurement, STEM educationAbstract
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education, as an educational policy, provides opportunities for students to learn science and mathematics in more integrated ways than the use of traditional methods. This can be pedagogically accomplished via a design-based approach, in which students engage in collaboratively solving engineering problems using various domains of knowledge and skills. In this pedagogical process, design thinking is vital. However, given that design thinking is a complex construct, a way in which it can be practically measured in an effective way has yet to be sufficiently developed. This may become a limitation, because teachers need to assess whether or not students are in the process of developing design thinking while engaged in design-based activities. In an attempt to support teachers in measuring the design thinking of students in a practical way, the current study aims to develop and validate a five-point Likert-scale questionnaire, based on 892 Thai secondary students subsequently using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. The results revealed that the six components of design thinking can be measured by 28 items on the questionnaire. It may be recommended that, in addition to other methods, such as a think-aloud protocol, the questionnaire can be used to measure the design thinking of the students.
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