

  • ปาลิดา สายรัตทอง พัฒนพิชัย คณะบัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ
  • อำภาพรรณ ตันตินาครกูล
  • ขนิษฐา สาลีหมัด
  • วัยวุฑฒ์ อยู่ในศิล


Multicultural Leadership, Student Teacher, Three Southern Border Province


This research and development aimed to develop an attribute of multicultural leadership and to create a tool to assess multicultural leadership in student teacher in Three Southern Border Province. The research was conducted 4 phases 1)to study information and to interview 11 person relates to attribute of multicultural leadership in student teacher in Three Southern Border Province 2)data from information and interview  were used to synthesize attribute of multicultural leadership 3)to develop a tool to assess multicultural leadership in student teacher 4) to try out the tool with 29 third-year student teacher.Research findings: The attribute of multicultural leadership consisted 3 components 1) multicultural knowledge 2) multicultural attitude 3) multicultural skill, tool for each component are as multiple-choice exam, written response and assessment for classroom activities. The results of try out show that all of tools can assess multicultural leadership with statistical significance at the .05 level.


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