การพัฒนารูปแบบการจัดการเรียนรู้วรรณคดีไทยตามแนวคิด Active Learning เพื่อส่งเสริมความสามารถ ในการแก้ปัญหาเชิงสร้างสรรค์ และความซาบซึ้งในวรรณคดีไทยของนักเรียนระดับชั้นมัธยมศึกษาตอนปลาย


  • ประจักษ์ น้อยเหนื่อย
  • มาเรียม นิลพันธุ์


Learning Management Model for Thai Literature, Based/Active Learning, Creative Problem Solving, Literary Appreciation


The purposes of this research were to: 1) develop and determine the efficiency of a learning management model for Thai literature based on active learning, 2) evaluate the effectiveness of a learning management model for Thai literature based on active learning, 3) disseminate a learning management model for Thai literature based on active learning. The mixed method research with embedded design was conducted. The samples consisted of 30 mattayom 6/2 (grade 12) students from Suankularb Wittayalai Thonburi School; moreover, the target population consisted of 20 mattayom 5/6 (grade 11) students from Matthayom Wat Nongkhaem school during the second semester of academic year 2020. The research instruments composed of a learning management model for Thai literature based on active learning, a manual, lesson plans, an assessment of creative problem solving, an assessment of literary appreciation, and satisfaction survey. The data was analyzed by mean, standard deviation, a dependent t-test, and content analysis.

               The results were as follows: 1) “ACTIVE model” was a learning management model for Thai literature based on active learning to enhance creative problem solving and literary appreciation of high school student. The principle of the model was to enhance students’ creative problem solving and literary appreciation which changed students’ role from the recipients to collaborators of building knowledge and exposing knowledge by doing. The objective was to enhance creative problem solving and literary appreciation. The model was consisted of six learning steps. Those were 1) A: Activating learners thinking process, 2) C: Considering the content with three sub-steps (Analyzing the content, Appreciating the literature, and Identifying the problems), 3) T: Trying the solutions with two sub-steps (Discussing and Finding new solutions), 4) I: Ideating best solutions, 5) V: Verifying for appreciation, and 6) E: Expanding knowledge. The model was investigated by 11 experts from the connoisseurship. The model was approved to conduct to the samples. 2) The effectiveness of the ACTIVE model indicated that 2.1) the students’ creative problem-solving ability after implementing the model were higher than before attending to the class at a .05 significance level, 2.2) after implementing the model, the students’ creative problem-solving ability were continually higher, 2.3) the students assimilated the literary appreciation after implementing the model, and 2.4) the students’ satisfaction of the model were in the level of strongly agree. 3) The results of the dissemination indicated that the students’ creative problem-solving ability after implementing the model were higher than before attending to the class at a .05 significance level. Furthermore, the students assimilated the literary appreciation; in addition, the students’ satisfaction of the model were in the level of strongly agree.


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