การพัฒนาแบบวัดการรับรู้ความสามารถของตนเองด้านการวิจัยสำหรับนักศึกษาครู: การวิจัยผสานวิธี


  • วราพร เอราวรรณ์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม


Research self-efficacy, Research self-efficacy Scale for pre-service teachers


The objectives of this research were to develop the Research Self-Efficacy Scale (RSES) for pre-service teachers by using mixed methods research, and to validate the discriminant index, the reliability and the construct validity of the scale. A total of 832 pre-service teachers in year 4 (5 years program) from 14 universities around Thailand were sample and selected by multistage random sampling. They responded to The RSES as rating scale contains 11–points in all of 25 items. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistic, the Index of consistency, the Pearson’s product moment correlation, the Cronbach’s alpha coefficients, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) by the Mplus 8.3.

            The results founded that; 1) the discriminant index of RSESS varied from 0.658–0.850, Cronbach’s alpha coefficients at 0.975 and EFA was found that 3 factors and 25 indicators. 2) The CFA of RSESS fit quite well with empirical data set (c2/= 2.24, CFI = 0.984, TLI = 0.981, RMSEA = 0.039 and SRMR =0.021).


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