การพัฒนาหลักสูตรศึกษาศาสตรบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาพลศึกษาและนันทนาการ


  • ผกามาศ รัตนบุษย์
  • สุปราณี ขวัญบุญจันทร์
  • สาธิน ประจัญบาน


Curriculum development, Bachelor of Education, Physical Education and Recreation


This study has the objective 1. To study the needs, necessities and guidelines for the development of the Bachelor of Education program. Department of Physical Education and Recreation 2. To develop a Bachelor of Education program. Department of Physical Education and Recreation Using the Mix Method to study related documents and research, create questionnaires and interviews. Through the IOC assessment group of 5 people,

the IOC consistency index was between 0.80 - 1.00. Teacher / Instructor Total of 245 instructors in charge of the curriculum analyzed data using PNI Modified Necessary Demand Sorting Index.  PNI Modified =    gif.latex?\tfrac{I-D}{D}

               The results of the analysis of the necessity showed that Graduate user groups have specific skills in physical education and recreation. They were ranked first (PNIb = 0.83), followed by knowledge (PNIb = 0.26) and interpersonal skills and responsibility (PNIb = 0.25). Philosophy of Physical Education and Recreation The first order was (PNIb = 1.18), followed by the physical education curriculum and instruction (PNIb = 0.67), the English language course in physical education and recreation (PNIb = 0.23) and the core courses and sports teaching methods, respectively. Expert group Teacher / Instructor Teacher in charge of the course There is a need to develop a curriculum that provides graduates with theoretical and practical knowledge in physical education and recreation. Have formal expertise as a trainer Sports referee Management And morality and ethics, with all 3 groups having the same needs in the direction of expertise in skills Principles and specialized teaching methods in physical education and recreation.


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