ผลการใช้รูปแบบการยกระดับคุณภาพการเรียนการสอนตามแนวคิด GPAS 5 Steps เพื่อเสริมสร้างทักษะการเรียนรู้ของนักเรียนในยุคไทยแลนด์ 4.0 ระดับชั้นประถมศึกษา


  • วิสูตร โพธิ์เงิน
  • ชนสิทธิ์ สิทธิ์สูงเนิน
  • มาเรียม นิลพันธุ์
  • เอกชัย ภูมิระรื่น


To enhance the quality of teaching, GPAS 5 Steps, Thailand 4.0, Elementary Education


The purpose of the research is to study the effect of using the model to enhance the quality of teaching Based on learning according to GPAS 5 Steps to enhance students’ learning skills in Thailand 4.0 in the elementary education as follow; 1) teachers: 1.1) knowledge and understanding of teaching 1.2) teaching design ability, and 1.3) teaching management ability 2) Students: 2.1) Higher Order Thinking 2.2) Innovator skills 2.3) Innovative ability and 2.4) morality and ethics. Target groups are administrators, teachers and elementary school students of Demonstration School Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University, academic year 2018. Research instruments and data collection are divided into 2 parts, which are teachers and students, as follows: Teachers; 1) the model to enhance the quality of teaching Based on learning according to GPAS 5 Steps. 2) Knowledge and Understanding of Teaching Test for teachers, and 3) Assessment of Teaching management. Students; 1) Higher Order Thinking Assessment 2) Innovative skills Assessment 3) the ability in Innovation Assessment 4) Morality and Ethics Assessment. The data were analyzed by using percentage, mean and standard deviation.
The result of the research shows that; teacher’s aspects 1) knowledge and understanding about teaching were at the good level, 2) Teaching design ability of the teachers were at the highest level, and 3) teaching management ability of the teachers were at the good level.; student’s aspects: 1) Higher order thinking of the students were at high level, 2) Innovator skills of the students were at high level, 3) Innovative ability of the students were at high level, and4) Morality and ethics of the students were at the highest level.


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