กระบวนการบ่มเพาะคุณลักษณะครูไทยในทศวรรษการเปลี่ยนแปลงการเรียนรู้ สำหรับนักศึกษาครู ครุศาสตร์-ศึกษาศาสตร์


  • วิไลลักษณ์ ลังกา


process of incubation, inspiration to become a teacher, teacher’s identity, teacher’s spirit


This aims of this research aimed to develop the incubation process of the characteristics of Thai teachers in the decade of transformative learning for student teachers; and to assess the quality and the effectiveness of the incubation process of the characteristics of Thai teachers. This research was divided into two stages: the first stage is a study of the characteristics of student teachers and an analysis of the gaps between characteristics of current student teachers and the characteristics of student teachers in a decade of transformative learning by interviewing a total of one hundred and fifty-five informants from four regions. Content analysis was also utilized. The second stage was a development and assessment of the quality and effectiveness of process of incubation of the characteristics of Thai teachers by a group of sixteen experts and seventy five students from first to third year in the Faculty of Education at Srinakharinwirot University were selected by multi-stage sampling to assess the effectiveness of the incubation process. The assessment form and satisfaction form were employed. The descriptive statistics and one sample t-test were used to analyze the data.

          The results found the following:(1) the characteristics needed to be promoted and embedded into student teachers in terms of characteristics, affection and faith towards the teaching profession, ideology, the teacher’s spirit, emotional control and being good role models; (2) the incubation process for teachers were comprised of four courses. The first two courses were used for student teachers in their first year. The first course was “Inspiration to Become a Teacher”, the second course was “Mental development of Student Teachers” and in their second year, the third course was “Teacher’s identity”. Then, in third year, the course was “Teacher’s spirit”; (3) the process of incubation in the dimensions of correctness, appropriateness, possibility, and utilization at a high level. Moreover, after participating in the program, inspiration to become a teacher, mental characteristics, the identity and spirit of teachers were higher than the required rate of 70% and with a statistical significance level of .01.


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