การพัฒนารูปแบบการเสริมสร้างสมรรถนะความเป็นครูเชิงพุทธบูรณาการของนักศึกษาคณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏ


  • บุญฤดี อุดมผล Education
  • พระมหาสมบัติ ธนปญฺโญ
  • ระวิง เรืองสังข์


model, teacher competency, the capacity of buddhist, Faculty of Education Rajabhat University,



research aim to 1) study the teacher competency status of the students in the faculty of education, Rajabhat university, 2) develop a model for enhancing competency of being an integrated Buddhist teacher of the student teachers in the faculty of education, Rajabhat university. The mixed research methods were use in the study. The qualitative Research by studying documents, in-depth interview with 5 administrator and instructors. Focus group discussions of 12 experts were used for validated the model. The model was experimented with 30 samples. The instruments used in this research were documentary study form, in-depth interview, evaluation of teacher competence. The quantitative research. A group of samples was selected from administrators and teachers in the faculty of education, Rajabhat University, 345 persons by multi – stage random sampling. The data were analyzed by content analysis, and statistical analysis. percentage, frequency, mean standard deviation and t-test dependent. The research results found that;

                        1.  Teacher competency status of students in the faculty of education Rajabhat university is as follows 1) students lack the link between content and learning management methods, 2) students lack the spirit of being a teacher and professional teaching ethics,

3) students lack in volunteering, relations with parents, communities, and networking,                 4) students are unable to organize learning that promotes thinking and 21st-century skills. The competency of the teacher that students should be strengthened to meet the standards of teachers there are 5 components, 1) The teacher must be knowledgeable, 2)Teachers need to proactively manage learning to develop students, 3) The teachers who acted as good, 4) Professional and professional development, 5) The teacher creates relationships with parents and communities.

                        2. The development of a model for improving the competency of being a Buddhist teacher in the integration from the students of the faculty of education, Rajabhat university consisted of 5 components; 1) Principle 2) Objective 3) Improving the competency of being a Buddhist teacher in the integration from the students 4) Application and  5) Achievement condition. By using in the model, it was found that the students had the competency of being an integrated Buddhist teacher. The mean value before the experiment was 10.87, the standard deviation was 1.51, the mean value after the experiment was 18.27, the standard deviation was 1.75. Showing that the teacher competency of students after the experiment using the integrated form of Buddhist teacher enhancement was higher than before the experiment by statistically significant at the .05 level.


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