สภาพ ปัญหา และความต้องการจำเป็นในการจัดการเรียนรู้พลศึกษาในระดับประถมศึกษาสำหรับครูโรงเรียนตำรวจตระเวนชายแดน


  • วัชรพล เคนศรี 0858073116
  • สุปราณี ขวัญบุญจันทร์
  • อนันต มาลารัตน์


Learning Management in Physical Education border patrol police schools


The exploratory survey research about problems and needs of primary schools’ Learning Management in Physical Education for teachers who taught at the border patrol police schools aimed to study the situations, problems, and needs of primary schools’ physical education instruction for teachers who taught at the border patrol police schools by using mixed method which was embedded design. Data were from 2 schools (case study) which were 14 sampling teachers who identified the policy of the border patrol police schools. There were 4 persons and 50 teachers who taught at the border patrol police schools using observation, semi-structured or guided interviews, and needs questionnaires. Analyzed data was used content analysis, inductive conclusion, and Modified Priority Need Index which found that all the border patrol police schools were located very far. The teacher advisors almost taught physical education by themselves. The problems were no having teachers who had academic qualification from physical education that most these teachers did not have any comprehension and skill. Moreover, the schools were not ready for teachers to teach and also materials to use. The results of needs showed that teachers at the border patrol police schools needed skills in physical education instruction at first (PNIb=0.22), then in comprehension of physical education instruction at second, and at last was attitudes in physical education instruction (PNIb=0.21 ,0.16) orderly.


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