การเรียนรู้บูรณาการกิจกรรมเสริมหลักสูตร (ระบบครอบครัวเสมือน) เพื่อส่งเสริมทักษะการคิดและการแก้ปัญหาอย่างสร้างสรรค์ของนักศึกษาพยาบาล


  • นิระมล สมตัว วิทยาลัยพยาบาลบรมราชชนนี ขอนแก่น
  • จุรี แสนสุข
  • วัชรี อมรโรจน์วรวุฒิ


Integrated education management system; Simulated family system; Thinking Skills and Creative Problem-solving Skills



                  Learning, Integrating extra-curricular activities (Simulated Family System) is a learning management with the goal to develop people to be perfect citizens, including body, mind, intellect, knowledge, morality, ethics and culture to live a balanced life and have learning skills, critical thinking process synthetic and creative. Learners learn by adapting a new paradigm in the multi-dimensional perspective to Growth Mindsets. The extra-curricular activities is an Integrated Learning Program (ILP), which is the process of learning experiences by linking the content of various sciences related let students change their behavior can bring knowledge skills and attitudes to create jobs solve problems and use in daily life on their own. Learning focuses on learners, participation and collaboration. In the practice of systematic thinking processes in creative thinking, using practical exercises in real situations through project base learning: PBL, cooperative learning, creative thinking system reflection with 3 basket techniques and learning processes that are tied to geography, economy, natural resources, environment, way of life and culture. Organize learning processes that are tied to geography, economy, natural resources, environment, way of life and culture as well as local development directions Community and society of the area ( Area Based Learning) . Integrated learning activities consisting of 1) Activities to prepare  teachers to be coaches 2) The new student orientation activities 3) Activities for Integrating extra-curricular activities (Simulated Family System) as a general education course (Thinking skills and creative problem solving Subjects) in the hour of student development by teaching and learning as a family-based group each group of students will create one project per group that makes family members work together as a team Is an activity that causes development in both health, environment and volunteerism, making the family members work together as a team. The event that triggered the development of both health and environmental volunteer 4) Integrated activities with subjects Nursing care in Family and Community Nursing Practicum 1. Learning management by students visiting health education and organizing health promotion project for individuals and families in the community                  Assessment of learning consists of various methods, assessed by authentic assessments, to improve learning. According to many principles evaluated Multiple tools, many periods (3 multiple) and applying the results to reflect the results of student development (1 reflection) This technique is called 3 multiple 1 reflection. This learning management reflects the results that appear as concrete. Transition through new ideas (Growth mindset), awareness of the importance of thinking process skills that look at the overall picture of the subject or the issue first to get a holistic idea before distinguishing each of the factors that are linked in a systematic and logical manner. The way of looking will be to solve problems in the role. Responsibility for that phenomenon with sacrifice as a human being that should be done to the public has a clear goal, with a commitment to challenge to bring good ideas to benefit the public in concrete ways.

Keywords: integrated education management system; Simulated family system; Thinking Skills and Creative Problem-solving Skills



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