A Learning Manageent Model to Enhance the Civic professional attributes Civic Professional Attributes, Nursing studentAbstract
The purpose of this research was to study the effectiveness of a learning management model to enhance the civic professional attributes of nursing students.The study was manipulated as time series design. The random selection was multiple – stage random sampling, included 30 nursing students that studied in 3rd year at Borommarajonani college of nursing changwat Nonthaburi. The learning management plan was composed of activities as follows : (1) preparation of learner before practice that was composed of two subactivities, as follows: 1) self – assessment, and 2) preparation about knowledge; skill; ability; and attribute for learning. (2) learning practice in real life situations which was composed of two subactivities, as follows: 1) nursing intervention based-on civic professional attributes, and 2) team work based-on civic professional attributes. The learning process concerned with continuous quality improvement. It was run continuously with 4 steps, as follows: 1) Plan; 2) action; 3) evaluation and feedback, and 4) reflection; and the process was run continuously.
The research results were found that the civic professional attributes in terms of an overview and each factors were higher at a statistically significant rate (p=.05), and their development had also improved. It showed that the implementation of the leaning management model met every criteria of model effectiveness, as follows: 1) a mean of civic professionalism attributes in terms of an overview and each factors were higher at a statistically significant rate (p=.05), and 2) the development of civic professional attributes in terms of an overview and each factors were improved. The findings indicated that the model could enhance the civic professional attributes of nursing students.
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