การศึกษาสภาพการเรียนการสอนคณิตศาสตร์ที่เกี่ยวข้องกับ การแก้ปัญหาอย่างสร้างสรรค์ทางเรขาคณิต ระดับมัธยมศึกษาตอนต้น


  • ธีรเชษฐ์ เรืองสุขอนันต์ SWU
  • รุ่งฟ้า จันท์จารุภรณ์
  • สุกัญญา หะยีสาและ


The status of mathematics instruction, Creative problem solving on geometry Belief related to geometric creative problem solving


The purpose of this study was to study the status of mathematics instruction related to geometric creative problem solving for students and teachers in the enrichment science classroom for lower secondary level. The study aimed at (1) the belief related to geometric creative problem solving for students and teachers, (2) the ability of creative problem solving on geometry for students and (3) the status of teaching and learning for teachers.  The sample consisted of 18 Mathayomsuksa III students at during second semester of 2560 the academic year and 6 teachers from the Demonstration School of Ramkharmheang University and Srinakharinwirot University; Prasarnmit Demonstration School (Secondary). They were selected by purposive sampling method.

                   The result of this study (1) the belief related to geometric creative problem solving for students and teachers was good. (2) When students were provided to solve given problems, they had no a fluency in finding a variety of solutions. They had only one solution. Additionally, the students had no a flexibility for grouping the solutions and writing a rule clearly. Their grouping rule was not clear. Furthermore, the students had no an originality and elaboration for creating a new situation, which has a variety of solutions. (3) The teachers had no more understanding and experience in designing a teaching style, enhancing their students’ creative problem solving ability. They used a lecture method in the enrichment science classroom, and not provided their students any activity of creative problem solving or other mathematical processes.


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