

  • สงวนพงศ์ ชวนชม คณะศึกษาศาสตร์
  • อำนาจ อยู่คำ
  • สำเริง บุญเรืองรัตน์


Factors Affecting, Effectiveness of Academic Affairs Administration, Higher Education Institutions


The objectives of this research were to 1) study level of effectiveness of academic affairs administration of faculties in higher education institutions in the lower northeastern region, 2) study level of factors affecting the effectiveness of academic  affairs administration of faculties and 3) study factors affecting the effectiveness of academic affairs administration of faculties in higher education institutions in the lower northeastern region. The research samples consisting of deans, associate deans, heads of departments and lecturers from 50 faculties in higher education institutions in the lower northeastern region in the academic year 2017 were selected by multi-stage sampling technique. A questionnaire with five-rating scale was used as research instrument. The effectiveness of academic affairs administration was measured in three aspects: students’ learning achievement, job satisfaction of lecturers and faculty overall perception of effectiveness. Factors affecting the effectiveness of academic affairs administration of faculties were measured in three aspects: student factor, lecturer factor and administrator factor. The Index of Item-Objective Congruence (IOC) of the questionnaire was at 0.80 – 1.00. The reliability as an individual aspect was at 0.921 – 0.987. Mean, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis was used to analyze data.

The results showed as follows:         

  1. The level of effectiveness of academic affairs administration of faculties in higher education institutions in the lower northeastern region was, as a whole and as an individual aspect, at high level. Faculty overall perception of effectiveness of academic affairs administration was rated the highest, followed by job satisfaction of lecturers and students’ learning achievement.
  2. The level of factors affecting the effectiveness of academic affairs administration of faculties was, as a whole and as individual aspect, at high level. Lecturer factor was rated the highest, followed by administrator factor and student factor.
  3. Four out of twelve factors were found related to the effectiveness of academic affairs administration of faculties in the lower northeastern region at very high level. Multiple correlation coefficient was at 0.948. The prediction of the effectiveness of academic affairs administration made by variables was at 89.90 percent. Variables that can be used to predict the effectiveness of academic affairs administration with statistical significance at 0.01 level were lecturers’ motivation (X9), students’ readiness for study (X1), academic affairs administration (X10) and scholarly qualifications of lecturers (X8). The regression equation of standard scores was as follows:

               Z = 0.450X9 + 0.345X1 + 0.460X10 – 0.247X8


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