competency, nursing practice, labor room, nursing student, assessment centerAbstract
This research study was pilot study focusing on: 1) developing a model of nursing practice competency assessment in labor room for nursing students by using an application of assessment center; 2) Studying the result of nursing practice competency assessment in labor room for nursing students by using an application of assessment center. The sample consisted of 3 persons was faculty member of nursing and 12 persons was nursing student in Bachelor of Nursing Science Program from a faculty of nursing in Bangkok that is accredited by Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council for 5 years and by inclusion criteria. Research instruments were: 1) a model of nursing practice competency assessment in labor room for nursing students by using an application of Assessment Center; 2) a handbook for the model of nursing practice competency assessment in labor room; 3) simulation; 4) nursing record; 5) nursing performance evaluation form; and 6) a knowledge test. The findings revealed that time of nursing practice competency assessment in assessment center, the station for admit and nursing record used the highest time (= 16.25, SD = 3.72). Time of summary scores, the station for delivery baby, delivery of the placenta, and nursing record used the highest time (
= 3.25, SD = .45). Time of feedback, the station for delivery baby, delivery of the placenta, and nursing record used the highest time (
= 4.17, SD = .58). Nursing student had the highest skill, behavior and nursing record score for placenta assessment (
= 25, SD = 1.04). Skill and behavior score and knowledge score were not correlation significant differences in statistical at .05.
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