

  • จุฑารัตน์ บันดาลสิน
  • ปาลิดา สายรัตทอง พัฒนพิชัย
  • วิภาวรรณ นำศรีเจริญกุล
  • สุปราณี ภู่ระหงษ์
  • ชัยธวัช ตนตรง


Enrichment Curriculum, creative communication, social media


This research aimed to develop and study the effectiveness of curriculum for enhancing the creative communication social media for undergraduate students.
The methodology of study consisted of 4 stage: 1) to study and analyze the data for developing curriculum. 2) to develop and test the quality of the curriculum by five professionals as follows: appropriate, consistent, quality in design of the learning activities and evaluated the effectiveness of the curriculum include assessing the characteristic of creative communication in social media after learning in each unit, include analytical thinking, communication in social media, knowledge sharing and collaboration, responsibility and creative thinking and assessing the ability in creative communication in social media3) to try out the curriculum and 4) to evaluate the effectiveness of curriculum that was conducted by the thirty-four samples was chosen by the simple random sampling method. The samples
were the third year students in academic year 2016 of the general management in Faculty of Management Science Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University. Data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, statistical tests include One-way ANOVA; repeated measures of the characteristic of creative communication in social media and Pair t-test of the creative communication ability in social media. The results of the study were as follows.

  1. The curriculum development to enhance creative communication ability in social media for undergraduate education consisted of the third unit which the learning activities were designed by using the learning process that emphasized the creative-based learning via innovation digital devices.
  2. The result of the effectiveness of the curriculum revealed that: 

       2.1 the average score of the characteristic of creative communication in social media of students was more than 70 percent and at the high level. And then compared the average score of the fourth characteristic of creative communication in social media, there were analytical thinking and communication in social media had different scores for each measurement at the significant level of .05. While the average score of the knowledge sharing and collaboration and the responsibility had not statistical difference for each measurement.
      2.2 the average score of students' creative communication ability in social media was at a higher level after study period than before study period at the significant level of .05 

Keywords: Enrichment Curriculum, creative communication, social media



