

  • รุ่งระวี สมะวรรธนะ Dr.


Learning management, Content integrated, English, Technology, Medium of Learning


Developing health behaviors throughout health education with modern process will be one of the best tools of improving the quality of life to be better and sustainable.  This paper aims to explain the purpose of a concept in learning management for Health Education by Integrated Content, English Language, and Technology as a medium of learning. This article is composed of the significance of the concept, relevance of concepts and theories, and guidelines of the learning management.  This approach would be able to develop the learners in health behaviors and sustainable autonomous learning skills. As a result, the social context has been affected human life by using the communication through online social network; this approach will be the preparation of our human resources in developing Thai economic and social mechanical into the stage of globalization. Thus, this way can assist our learners to meet requirements in updating of the content in health education and enhancing the effective and sustainable leaning process.


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