ผลของโปรแกรมนันทนาการที่มีต่อความสุขภายในของผู้สูงอายุ: กรณีศึกษาผู้สูงอายุ จังหวัดสระแก้ว


  • วณัฐพงศ์ เบญจพงศ์
  • จิตรา ดุษฏีเมธา
  • สุเมษย์ หนกหลัง
  • วรสรณ์ เนตรทิพย์


aging, internal happiness, recreation program, Srakaew province


The study of effects of recreation program on the internal happiness of aging: The case study of aging in Srakaew province was the quasi-experiment study focusing on: - 1) Developing recreation program which promotes the happiness of aging 2) Studying the result of recreation program on the aging happiness. The sample in this research consisted of 60 aging who living in Nongmakfai, Srakaew province, and were selected by sample random and purposive sampling from population. The sample consisted of 30 persons in experimental group and 30 persons in control group. Research instrument were: 1) The internal happiness questionnaire and 2) The recreation program for aging. The data was analyzed by using t-test to compared the results before and after attending the recreation program between the experimental and control group. Findings were founded that 1) After attended the recreation program, sample got the overall of internal happiness and becoming scores higher than before attended. Considering in each item, there were significant differences in statistic at .05 2) After attended the recreation program, sample got the overall of internal happiness and becoming scores higher than control group. Considering in each item, there were significant differences in statistic at .05


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