Guidelines and Supporting Tools for Meeting Management of Academic Support Personnel of Christian University of Thailand: Development of Concepts from Exchange of Learning in the Community of Practice


  • Itthiporn Khumprasert Correspondence Section, Office of The President, Christian University of Thailand
  • Supatsara Vipakul Multidisciplinary College, Christian University of Thailand
  • Maneewan Kamdu Correspondence Section, Office of The President, Christian University of Thailand
  • Warinporn Hengpornsawat Correspondence Section, Office of The President, Christian University of Thailand
  • Pontip Pongsawut Office of Digital Service for Education, Christian University of Thailand


Meeting management, Meeting recording system, Community of practice


This academic article presents guidelines and tools for managing the meetings of Christian University of Thailand. They were developed through the exchange of information with the community of practice to enhance the excellence of correspondence work. The average values of the opinions from 40 members were analyzed. The results from this information exchange led to the development of guidelines for organizing university meetings which consist of practicing a 3-step guideline; the pre-meeting process, the during meeting process, and the post-meeting process, along with the development of the C.U.T. E-Meeting system, which is a tool to facilitate meeting arrangements by the person acting as the secretary of the meeting and enable the meeting attendees to access the information at any time.  It is also a systematic location for storing documents of information from Christian University of Thailand meetings.


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