Attitudes, Problems and Solving Guidelines for the Usage of Electronic Office System (e-Office) and the Application in Crisis Situations: The Case Study of Faculty of Mass Communication Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi


  • Wannaporn Ruttanagosoum Faculty of Mass Communication Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi


Attitude, Problem, Correspondence and Records, e-Office


Sending and receiving the electronic office system (e-Office) is a frequently researched issue in routine work, but there are no compiled and applied recommendations that are proven concretely. This research  1) studied the attitudes of relevant personnel towards e-Office and usage problems of the e-Office, 2) studied the relationship between attitudes and problems of receiving and sending official letters through the e-Office as well as appropriate solution guidelines, and 3) applied the solution guidelines of the e-Office in crisis situations. The target research group was 50 academic and supporting personnel in the same affiliation. Voluntary self-recorded questionnaires were collected. The data were analyzed by using percentage, mean, and standard deviation (S.D.), and the sample differences were analyzed by using Independent t-test and One-way ANOVA. From the results of this research, the respondents had good attitude in receiving and sending official documents through the e-Office on average at a high level (gif.latex?x\bar{} = 3.80, S.D. = 0.95). However, the problems and usage behaviors were shown at a moderate level ( gif.latex?x\bar{}= 2.96, S.D. = 1.05 and gif.latex?x\bar{}= 2.94, S.D. 1.04, respectively). When comparing the differences of factors, it was found that the personal result towards attitudes, seen problems, and behaviors were not statistically significant different (0.05) level. Moreover, applying the findings under critical circumstance, the percentage of personnel has responded and adopted usage of the e-Office system to send and receive official documents increased from 19.18% to 49.32% of personnel in the unit within five months.


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