Good Practice Guideline for Effective Human Resource Management
Management, Human resource, ProcessAbstract
This article proposes a process in human resource management. The executives in some organizations adjust the methods in human resource management according to the current environment and situation. Nowadays, information technology increasingly has an important role in daily life and work life in order to continue the activities with agility and cost reduction. Therefore, every organization needs the human resources to drive the organization with other resources to derive the greatest benefit. As mentioned above, the senior leaders must have vision, knowledge, capability, skill, and experience with human resource management with other resources and manage them to gain the highest value.
People are one of the natural resources that has value to the organization. The executive must consider the administrative and management process to enhance the quality and effectiveness of human resources. This process begins with staff recruitment, job description and responsibilities, and is applied to put the right man on the right job in the current situation. In addition, the organization must enhance the skill and knowledge of its employees to their highest potential, and sustain these potential staff with the organization under good governance in order that the staff will have a good attitude to the organization and the executives, and therefore, the organization will have a stable foundation.
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