Evaluate the Participatory Learning on Emergency Medicine in Academic Institutions in Chiang Rai Province
Emergency medicine, Participation, Academic institution, Assessing the CIPP model, Factors affecting the development of learningAbstract
This research evaluated the participatory learning models on emergency medicine in academic institutions in Chiang Rai Province by using CIPP Model Assessment by Danial L. Stufflebeam’s presentation for evaluating the factors in aspects of context, inlet, process and production. The total population (299) used for evaluation consisted of: administrators (8), teachers (8), students (275) and the basic education commission (8). The students were from eight schools in Chiang Rai Province (275), schools (8) affiliated with the Basic Education Commission (OBEC), Ministry of Education from eight districts in Chiang Rai Province, The project was conducted from January to December 2020. The four instruments as questionnaires used for data collection consisted of factors in aspects of: 1) Environmental condition. 2) Inlets for administrators, teachers, students, and the basic education commission. 3) Process for teachers. 4) Production evaluation for students. The statistics used for data collection were average, percentage and content analysis. The results of evaluating factors that affected the development of the participatory learning on emergency medicine in academic institutions in areas of Chiang Rai Province were summarized as follows: 1. The total average at all aspects of participatory learning development on emergency medicine in academic institutions in Chiang Rai Province was at a high level, the inlet factor was at the highest level and the factor evaluation affected to development of the participatory learning on emergency medicine in academic institutions in areas of Chiang Rai Province was at successive level. 2. The total average of environmental condition factors was at high level and, when it was classified by item, it was found that the factors in aspects of administrators and teachers were ready and understanding of activity implementation. 3. The result of inlet factor evaluation under the Basic Education Commission, administrators and teachers’ opinions found that the total average was at the highest level and the average factor in aspect of receiving external budget support was at the highest level. 4. The results of total inlet factor in aspect of process under the Basic Education Commission, administrators and teachers’ opinions found that it was at the highest level in relation to factor responsible by everyone and implemented by assignment with one’s full ability. 5. The total result of evaluating factor in aspect of production under students’ opinions found that lessons on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillator (AED) under students’ opinions was also at the highest level after by item consideration.
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