The Evolutionary Logic of Grassroots Governance Specialization: A Case Study of Social Work Practice in Yunnan Province, China
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Since the implementation of reform and opening-up policies, professional social work in China has rapidly developed and has been institutionally recognized for its effectiveness in grassroots governance. This study examines the evolution of professional social work in Yunnan’s grassroots governance, applying structure-action theory to explore the rationale behind professionalization and optimize these practices. Using qualitative methods, including secondary data analysis, stakeholder interviews, and observations, the findings highlight four aspects of social work evolution: 1) Development path: from professional education to service; 2) Resource provision: from folk reliance to system compatibility; 3) Role transition: from social experimentation to policy implementation; and 4) Organizational structure: from embeddedness to authentication. The study concludes that social work in grassroots governance in Yunnan is a dynamic specialization, professionalism, and service practice process. Community-based governance responds to social issues through an integrated system. National governance is characterized by policy and government leadership, while local innovation is encouraged. Due to its strategic location, the specialization of grassroots governance supports stable border development, national unity, and international cooperative governance.
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