Interfacing State Fragility and The Global Drug War: Opium in Afghanistan and Myanmar
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Afghanistan and Myanmar are countries in the Golden Crescent and the Golden Triangle, respectively. These two regions have been cited to be the loci of most opium production in the contemporary world. Aside from opium, these two countries also share a history of political conflict and instability. In 2021, both countries experienced yet another political upheaval when the Taliban took over the Afghan government and the Myanmar military once again staged a coup. With these, many indices have characterized the Afghan and Myanmar states to be fragile. This paper intends to draw insights from interfacing state fragility and drug policy to situate the place of opium in the larger conversation about political dynamics in Afghanistan and Myanmar. Touching on the role of the Taliban and the Tatmadaw and their place in the two countries’ political history along with the policies and politics related to opium, the paper reflects on how international pressure and domestic concerns animate the enduring difficulty of dealing with opium cultivation and the persistent challenge of state fragility.
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