Decentralized Local Governance in Asian Region: Good Practices of Mandaluyong City, Philippines

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Rose Gay E. Gonzales- Castaneda


Decentralization in the Philippines began in 1991. In the 23 years since the passage of the local government code of 1991 (RA 7160), it can be argued that the local government units have been able to adapt to their expanded devolve powers. There are elected local chief executives who have exemplified excellence in the use of their powers and become model leaders of the rest of the world. Decentralization is important, as remarked by former Sen. Aquilino Q. Pimentel Jr.1 as it brought the government closer to the people. With effective decentralized system, the local government unit are empowered to modernized and develop their community. Fundamentally, it is a process of making governance at the local level more responsive to the felt needs of the large majority of the population. All local government units are set for the 2015 ASEAN integration to be held in the Philippines. This will be a region wide phenomenon and its effects will have a great impact to individual LGU in our country from the provincial, to the cities, municipalities and down to the barangay (village) level.

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How to Cite
Gonzales- Castaneda , R. G. E. . (2015). Decentralized Local Governance in Asian Region: Good Practices of Mandaluyong City, Philippines. Journal of Politics and Governance, 5(2), 235–247. retrieved from
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Mandaluyong City

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