From Democratic Community to Strong Democracy: Experiences from three communities in Thailand

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Ratthasirin Wangkanond


The author presents a study of the democratic community and an analysis of the relationship between democratic community and strong democracy at the national level by presenting three case studies of democratic communities. The democratic community was started at the grassroots level by rural people who are the majority of the country. The people in the community started to learn and exercise their rights to protect the natural resources and their way of life. As the people begin to socially engage in the community, they can reach further to the national level. The strengthening of the community and the people can then lead to political development in Thailand.

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How to Cite
Wangkanond, R. . (2015). From Democratic Community to Strong Democracy: Experiences from three communities in Thailand. Journal of Politics and Governance, 5(2), 72–82. retrieved from
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