The Problems and obstacles of the Authority in Local Government Organizations between District and Province Level on Environmental Management in Laos PDR

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Somphavanh Sihalath
Alongkorn Akkasaeng


The objective of the research is to study the problems and obstacles in the administration of local government organization in the District and Provincial Level in Lao PDR. This research uses a qualitative research methodology. The data is collected by interviewing 19 people in the executive agencies, staff personnel who have directed responsibility and people who have been affected by environmental issues. The results showed that the barriers of the Authority in Local Government between District and Provincial Level on Environmental Management in Laos PDR are 1) the administration of the Authority to Manage Environmental Issues between Local Government in District and Provincial Level in Laos PDR has not improved and change. 2) The system of environmental management still lack of continuity. 3) Lack of plans to use the sustainable resources. 4) Lack of funding and resources allocated by the government. 5) The service of these bodies still lacks of the quickness. 6) The staffs are not willing to responsible of their duty and lack of competitiveness

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How to Cite
Sihalath, S. . ., & Akkasaeng, A. . (2023). The Problems and obstacles of the Authority in Local Government Organizations between District and Province Level on Environmental Management in Laos PDR. Journal of Politics and Governance, 6(2), 144–155. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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