The Guidelines to Support Public Participation for Making the Development Plans in Municipal Areas Provinces in the Northeast

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Kathanyoo Kaewhanam
Jariya Chatasuwajanonon
Phimlikid Kaewhanam


The guidelines to support public participation for making the development plans in municipal areas  provinces in the Northeast. This study is a qualitative research for which information was gathered by means of conducting interviews as in-depth interviews including triangulation of information. The methods of note taking and semi-structured interview as the tools for collecting relevant information, and the collected information from such interviews was utilized to conduct a content analysis.  The results revealed that some practical ways such as establishing the city council, allowing the payment to community committees for making the development plans of municipality, public advertising, raising awareness of the importance of the development plans, explaining the importance of making the development plans. Furthermore, there were some useful ways in public advertising such as establishing radio center, community radio, and news station, and training community committees to make the development plans and revise related rules.

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How to Cite
Kaewhanam, K. ., Chatasuwajanonon, J. ., & Kaewhanam, P. . (2016). The Guidelines to Support Public Participation for Making the Development Plans in Municipal Areas Provinces in the Northeast. Journal of Politics and Governance, 6(2), 71–96. retrieved from
Research Articles


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