Revisiting Multi-Level Stakeholders Management to Retain Green Tourism Destination in Koh Mak, Trat Province, Thailand

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Phanrajit Havarangsi
Sanhakot Vithayaporn


This study examined the role of multi-level stakeholders in maintaining Koh Mak Island as a green tourism destination in  Trat province, Thailand, with   a particular focus on solid waste management during beach recreation. Previous research predominantly addressed multi-level stakeholder management, overlooking the importance of beach recreation. To enhance the green tourism destination, this study had two objectives: firstly, to investigate the roles of various stakeholders in beach recreation and identify collaboration opportunities, and secondly, to assess the environmental competence of relevant stakeholders for enhancing solid waste management. The Delphi panel interview method was utilized in three rounds, gradually shifting from open-ended to close-ended questions. The final round involved 12 participants. Analysis with Nvivo 11 software using open, axial, and selective coding revealed a diverse group of stakeholders engaged in beach recreation. Based on their green competencies, partnerships between local businesses and waste management authorities could enhance synergies in solid waste management and beach recreation, preserving the green tourism destination. The discussion and conclusions stress the importance of raising awareness and promoting green behavior among all stakeholders and implementing tangible waste management practices. Involvement of governance of the government is also crucial. The study also presents its limitations and offers future research recommendations.


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How to Cite
Havarangsi, P., & Vithayaporn, S. . (2024). Revisiting Multi-Level Stakeholders Management to Retain Green Tourism Destination in Koh Mak, Trat Province, Thailand. Journal of Politics and Governance, 14(2), 1–15. retrieved from
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