Strategic Human Resources Management as a Factor of Universities Competitiveness in Thailand

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Sanhakot Vithayaporn
I-Ching Tung


Thailand's universities are undergoing modernization to integrate better into the global education landscape. However, many universities still struggle with low efficiency and effectiveness in their management approaches, resulting in a significant competitive disadvantage. This study seeks to identify strategic human resource management (HRM) issues in universities and explore ways to enhance their competitiveness. There are two research questions: RQ1: What strategic human resource management is needed for universities' competitiveness? RQ2: To what extent does the implementation of strategic human resource management affect university competitiveness? This study employed a qualitative research design that involved semi-structured interviews with 20 HR professionals from various universities. Data analysis used content analysis alongside Nvivo software analysis. The results indicate that recruitment and selection procedures require adequate training, while individual development plans (IDP) and reward incentives, including fair pay, are necessary. The contemporary notion of strategic HRM has significant implications for management and academia. This study concludes that integrating strategic management theory into best practices for HRM is crucial for enhancing competitiveness in universities. Future research should consider moderating factors, such as workplace culture, organizational climate, and the state of the labor market.

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How to Cite
Vithayaporn, S., & Tung, I.-C. . (2024). Strategic Human Resources Management as a Factor of Universities Competitiveness in Thailand . Journal of Politics and Governance, 14(1), 45–62. retrieved from
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