A Study on the Scope of Research Published in the Journal of Politics and Governance between 2011-2021 using Word Cloud

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Kawin Pimjanna
Apichai Seetan
Atchara Kanla-or
Woranittha Panviset
Kanyapak Kaenchompoo
Natthanan Pongkhamsing
Pubodin Kanhasungnoen
Pongpipat Nitipongphakin
Aphisit Pukdeewut
Prasongchai Setthasuravich


The Journal of Politics and Governance (JOPAG) is regarded as one of the leading journals in Political Science in Thailand. Over the past decade, it has provided an important platform for both Thai and international researchers to publish their works. This article aims to analyze the scope and identify trends in the research topics published in JOPAG from 2011 to 2021, using Word Cloud and research topic classification analysis. The analysis reveals that “community,” “development,” and “local” are the predominant themes in Thai political science research featured in JOPAG over this period. Additionally, the study finds that most articles published are in the field of public administration, encompassing topics such as local governance, organizations, and policies. These findings will assist the journal in refining the focus of articles considered for publication, ensuring a more targeted approach in the future.

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How to Cite
Pimjanna, K., Seetan, A. ., Kanla-or, A. ., Panviset, W. ., Kaenchompoo, K. ., Pongkhamsing, N. ., Kanhasungnoen, P. ., Nitipongphakin, P. ., Pukdeewut, A. ., & Setthasuravich, P. . (2023). A Study on the Scope of Research Published in the Journal of Politics and Governance between 2011-2021 using Word Cloud. Journal of Politics and Governance, 13(3), 184–201. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jopag/article/view/270979
Research Articles


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