Newcomers’ Emotional Intelligence, Work Stress, and Organizational Socialization Outcomes
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Organizational socialization is a process that facilitates new employees to reach the organizational goals or socialization outcomes, particularly job satisfaction, and intention to stay long in the organization. This research aimed to examine the relationship between the two outcomes and whether new employee’s psychological trait as emotional intelligence and psychological state, like work stress, were related to the two socialization outcomes., Participants were 360 new hired employees; out of 527 new hired employee from an electronic company in Thailand, who received orientation and on-the-job skill training as the beginning part of the socialization program. Data analysis resulted that emotional intelligence was positively related to intention to stay (r=0.37, p < 0.01) and negatively related to working stress (r =-0.24, p < 0.01), and work stress was demonstrated as a mediator on the relationship between emotional intelligence and intention to stay with a total effect of 0.54 unit. Both emotional intelligence and work stress were not related to job satisfaction, and job satisfaction was not related to intention to stay. Results found relationship among emotional intelligence, intention to stay while work stress was medicated its relationship. The differences found on job satisfaction and intention to stay were discussed. Future research was suggested in order to understand more of the socialization process and newcomers’ immediate outcomes.
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