The Factors and Challenges Influencing WEEE Management in Thailand: A Case Study of The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA)

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Ladawan Khaikham


This research aims to 1) analyze the factors that contributed to the BMA’s WEEE management and 2) discuss the challenges facing the BMA in WEEE management. Additionally, the study emphasizes the importance of shared responsibility between the BMA and private sector stakeholders. Enhancing competencies in legal, financial, human resource, and environmental management aspects is also highlighted. This research employs a qualitative approach to investigate the management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) within the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA). Interviews were conducted with 15 individuals from the government and private sectors involved in WEEE management to improve the efficiency of WEEE management. The study result indicates two primary objectives: firstly, to identify the factors that influence WEEE management practices, and secondly, to understand the challenges faced in this domain. These recommendations encompass advocating for robust legal frameworks, ensuring adequate allocation of resources, and fostering collaborative ties with private entities. This research contributes to a comprehensive framework catering to policymakers and practitioners. Its aim is to refine and optimize WEEE management practices in the specific context of Bangkok. The study suggests that the BMA should strengthen its cooperation with the private sector, adopt the principle of shared responsibility, and focus on improving its capabilities in legal, budgetary, workforce, and environmental management aspects. The study provides valuable insights for policymakers and practitioners to improve WEEE management in Bangkok.


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How to Cite
Khaikham, L. (2024). The Factors and Challenges Influencing WEEE Management in Thailand: A Case Study of The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA). Journal of Politics and Governance, 14(1), 10–23. retrieved from
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