Applying special measures for custody of juvenile offenders in drug offences instead of criminal procedure

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Thanapat Patchim


The purposes of this article were to study rules and conditions, suggest patterns and methods for applying special measures instead of criminal procedure, and suggest amending relevant laws, regulations, and practices of officers in providing justice for juvenile offenders in drug offences. Key informants consisted of the multidisciplinary team including psychologists, social workers, as well as community representatives, inquiry officers, public prosecutors, associate judges, and so on. The results revealed that family and community meeting was conducted in a committee manner in which the meeting was conducted to discuss to seek an approach to settle disputes in accordance with restorative justice. This is an alternative measure used in the process of implementing a rehabilitation plan in the case where juveniles were considered to be able to reform themselves into good people without requiring the criminal procedure. This was to improve juveniles’ behaviors and mitigate or compensate for damages that occurred.  In addition, it mainly focused on protecting the maximum benefit of juveniles. The special measure instead of criminal procedure was to divert cases of juvenile offenders in pre- litigation and proceedings in accordance with the Juvenile and Family Court and Procedure Act.

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How to Cite
Patchim, T. (2023). Applying special measures for custody of juvenile offenders in drug offences instead of criminal procedure. Journal of Politics and Governance, 13(2), 190–205. retrieved from
Research Articles


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