Building a Civic Culture and The Eliminating of Social Inequality

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Pornamarin Promgird
Warunya Sririn
Wanichcha Narongchai


This article has argued that the democracy and economic development around the world is facing serious social inequality issues. Currently, Thai society is also facing this severe problem. The problem of social inequality in Thai society has many dimensions. But when analyzing the main cause factors, it was found that there are two things, the first is from the structural problems of Thai society, the second is due to the weakness of the basis of Thai political culture and the behavior of people in society. Both of these are interrelated. Causing Thai society to have been trapped in social inequality for a long time. Throughout the period many past years, The Thai state has sought to reduce inequality and create social equality but the consequences of the solution have not been successful. It still just a policy and roadmap. There is no any practical effect. In this article trial to propose a solution to eliminating the problem of social inequality in the political sociology perspective. By creating a civic culture or a brand - new political culture through organizations and social institutions. People must have the fundamental beliefs that they have political efficacy as following. First, to solving the problem of social inequality is a primary duty of everyone to be attentive and have a shared responsibility to push forward or take action. Everyone cannot deny their responsibility. Second, people must believe that they are one of the political forces that have the capability of changing the problem of social inequality in a better direction and must participate in the operation as a driving force to seriously keep improve this problem.

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How to Cite
Promgird, P. ., Sririn, W. ., & Narongchai, W. . (2022). Building a Civic Culture and The Eliminating of Social Inequality. Journal of Politics and Governance, 12(2), 180–199. retrieved from
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